God Does Not Play Games

God Does Not Play Games

God does not play gamesGod does not play hide and seek, he wants to be found. God does not play any games. But it does not mean that he would not have a terrific sense of humor. For example, my friends were praying that God would give them a car. Few days later there was a raffle with a chance to win a red sports car. They bought a ticket….and they did get a car….a real beauty but it was only 2 inches long. Ha ha! We all thought it was brilliant. God does not play games but he has a terrific sense of humor.

“Don’t be ornery like a horse or mule
that needs bit and bridle
to stay on track.”
God-defiers are always in trouble;
God-affirmers find themselves loved
every time they turn around.
Celebrate God.
Sing together—everyone!
All you honest hearts, raise the roof!
(Psalm 32: 9-11, MSG)

We can rest assured that God is not playing games with us. Even if we are playing games with him. If we feel distant from God it is not God who has moved away. It is our own doing. If we feel that God is not answering our prayers it is not God who is not speaking to us. It is us turning a deaf ear to God. If we feel that God is unfair it is not God who is responsible for our actions. It is us making the wrong choices.

Is anyone crying for help? God is listening,
ready to rescue you.
If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Disciples so often get into trouble;
still, God is there every time.
(Psalm 34:17-19; MSG)

Too often we blame God for anything that doesn’t fully please us. We need to grow up and see God who he is. And see ourselves who we are. God does not play games with us. God loves us and that will never change. God offers us salvation and that offer won’t be withdrawn. God is always with us and we can count on that. God does not play games with us. But it does not mean that God would not have fun with us. In fact, God is offering us joy and more joy, love and more love, life and more life on a regular basis. God’s help fits all our needs.

But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life!—even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action. (James 1:25, MSG)


Gracious God,
Thank you for not playing games with us.
Thank you for being never-changing,
faithful, and trustworthy.
Help us to trust you without hesitation.
Keep us from blaming you.
Guide us into becoming persons of grace.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you feel that God is playing games with you?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you find delight and affirmation in the action of God!

Image courtesy of Danny Lindsey. Linking up with One Word at a Time: Games Blog Carnival. Check out the other posts!

8 thoughts on “God Does Not Play Games

    1. Yes, you are so right, Anne. If we order God around to tend to our needs according to our will and plans we are playing by our house rules. If we keep ourselves in the center of the universe we don’t allow God to be God and work in our lives according to his will and plans. But God is gentle and faithful. He keeps teaching us until we learn to play with his rules.
      Thank you so much, for your wonderful insight! God bless you!

  1. Yes, God does not play “Hide and Seek.” He is ever there and waiting to be found.
    As you stated: If we feel distant from God it is not God who has moved away!
    I love your quotes from the Message Bible !! They are like poetry to me!

    1. Thank you, HisFireFly, for your comment. It is soothing to know that God is not playing games. But it is a bit disturbing to admit that we sometimes do. Be blessed!

  2. True, GOD doesn’t play games. Many times we complain that we pray but GOD is silent and aloof, but if we only we were to seek HIM in HIS word and not look for signs and wonders in the world, we’d find that HE speaks in the loudest and most gentle voice.

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