Weekend Prayer Wall {Nov. 5-6}

Weekend Prayer Wall {Nov. 5-6}

I call to God;
      God will help me.
   At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh
      deep sighs—he hears, he rescues.
(Psalm 55:16-17, MSG)

When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don’t pray, they don’t.
~William Temple

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Dear friends in Christ, let’s pray in Jesus name!

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The Knots Prayer

Dear God,
please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots,
may nots, and
might nots that find
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all, dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind
my heart and my life all of the am nots
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought
that I am not good enough.


Author known to God

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Now it’s time for you to jump in with your prayers/prayer requests in the comment section.  Let’s also pray for each other! Someone will pray for you/with you. But because this is a global prayer wall, sometimes -due to time differences – prayers are delayed but not ever denied! God bless you all overwhelmingly! Thanks for inviting more people to pray! To God be the glory!

Bloggers!  Here’s the button code for your web page. (Image courtesy of 7ulio Design & Button Photo courtesy of Sarah Bryant) Thank you for being part of creating a prayer chain around the globe! Blessings!

Weekend Prayer Wall

Grab the code:

<a href=”https://www.flowingfaith.com/?s=prayerwall”>
<img src=”https://www.flowingfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/prayerwall.jpg” alt=”Weekend Prayer Wall” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>

17 thoughts on “Weekend Prayer Wall {Nov. 5-6}

  1. Dear God,
    I thank you for the gift of prayer. Thank you that You are present in our lives. Please bless each and everyone who comes to this Weekend Prayer Wall. Let them know that you are real and that your love endures forever, that you can conquer any problems & situations they’re facing. Give us all clear guidance, open the right doors and keep the wrong ones shut. Breath new life into us. Equip us to serve you and love our neighbors. You are mighty, Lord. We praise you! Thy will be done! Thank you, Jesus! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

    1. Lord, I stand agreement with Mari-Anna and her prayer this morning for this wall and those that would see it. Lord, I pray that You will bless this Ministry and those that come to visit. Lord, I pray that many will come to see and join in prayer with her. Lord, I pray for healing, provisions, and revelation for all that come this weekend.In Christ Jesus’ Name,

    2. I do not like asking for help from anyone….pride usually holds me back. Tonight I wondered upon this page by accident or divine grace. I don’t want pity, I don’t want judgement, but I am at the end of my rope. Without detail, I have things that have haunted me since I was a little girl. Somethings you never get over. However, I have just faced the toughest five years of my life. I am 44 and I feel like I am in the middle of the ocean barely treading water. I m tired and it’s been so long since I’ve seen the shore that I’m now wondering if there is one. I am lost. I come to you tonight and ask for your prayers. I have always known he was with me no matter how awful the situation. However, the past few years made me question rather he abandoned me I am ashamed to admit. I know now that he didn’t and I need him to help me through this. I just can’t do it alone. I ask that he have mercy on me, help me find a way out or through this God. Give me strength and have mercy on me, please Lord, and let me get my feet on the shore again

      1. Dear Tammy, thanks for asking for help. God is right there with you, comforting you and carrying you. There are better times ahead of you. I will keep you in my prayers and you can email me (You can find the address via the contact page) if you want. Just know that God specializes in second chances and miracles. This is not the end, this is the new beginning. May God guide you clearly, give you help and direction, meet your every need and bless you according to His plans for you. Trust! Hope! Believe!

        1. Dear God, I bring Tammy to you and ask you to bless her. She feels lost. Surround her with your love and grace and guide her clearly. Show her she is loved and cherished by you. Send some Christians to help her out. Thank you for creating Tammy and having a beautiful plan for her life. Show her the way to go. Let her feel your comforting presence. Ignite faith, hope, and joy in her. Bless her socks off, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen

  2. We would appreciate prayer for a job for my husband, wherever the Lord wants us.  As well as continued prayer for our faith to grow and to serve where we are needed.  Thank you for praying for us, God bless.
    in Him, Leslie

    1. Dear God, we bring Leslie and her husband to you. Increase their faith in you, Lord. You see their open hearts and willingness to go anywhere you lead them. Guide them clearly, Lord. Open up the right doors, especially a new job for Leslie’s husband. Thank you, Jesus, that you are in control of this situation, too. Bless them beyond their wildest dreams, Lord. Let them find their place in your family. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    2. Lord, we too pray for this family, and bind our prayers with those of Mari-Anna, for them. In Christ Jesus Name, Amen.

  3. Father God, I pray for a hedge of protection around this ministry and our own that You have entrusted us with. Lord, may no one be able to slander or bring harm to them or the servants that You have assigned to lead them. Lord, I pray both of these ministries will bring honor and glory to YOU. Lord, I ask that as we work in the missions You have established, that Your angels will stand guard around us. Lord, I also pray that You will remove whatever hinders or keeps Your promises being fulfilled for us. Lord, I pray that You will remove all that keeps or hinders others that You would have for us from joining us. That  You will breakdown and remove all that stands in the way of us moving forward into the future that You would have for our ministries.
    In Christ Jesus Name, Amen.

  4. Dear God,
    I love you and I praise you! Thank you that we can come to you with everything. Today my heart is aching for people who are sick or fragile and for the people who are caring for them. Lord, give strength, courage, peace, wisdom. Thank you that you are in control of our whole lives. Thank you that we are heading home to you. Bless each of us according to our present needs. In Jesus’ name, Amen

    1. Dear God, we pray for Joshua. You know him and love him. We ask that anything that hinders him to hear you would be taken away. Let your voice grow stronger in his heart and let him come back to you and his family. Lord, we know that you are in control of this situation and we leave it to you. May Thy will be done, Lord, in Joshua’s life. May he find new joy in you, his purpose and meaning and place in the world. Embrace him with your love and grace. This we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

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