Choosing Wisdom Over Wealth

Choosing Wisdom Over Wealth

Solomon's Wealth & Wisdom

I love how God comes to us. It’s always God coming to us. Just think of what happened after Adam & Eve had eaten the apple. The Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9, CEB) God is always looking for us. And when nothing else worked, he sent his only son to us. It’s always God first. Always God coming to us. Always God loving us first. Pouring out his grace enabling us to respond to him.

Let’s see today how God came to Solomon soon after he had become a king.

The Lord appeared to Solomon at Gibeon in a dream at night. God said, “Ask whatever you wish, and I’ll give it to you. Solomon responded, “You showed so much kindness to your servant my father David when he walked before you in truth, righteousness, and with a heart true to you. You’ve kept this great loyalty and kindness for him and have now given him a son to sit on his throne. And now, Lord my God, you have made me, your servant, king in my father David’s place. But I’m young and inexperienced. I know next to nothing. But I’m here, your servant, in the middle of the people you have chosen, a large population that can’t be numbered or counted due to its vast size. Please give your servant a discerning mind in order to govern your people and to distinguish good from evil, because no one is able to govern this important people of yours without your help.” (1 Kings 3: 5-9, CEB)

Solomon was only twenty years old.  Maybe he felt he felt he was too young to be a king. Anyhow, he knew he was inexperienced and needed help. Still, it is impressive that he asked for wisdom over wealth. Despite of being young he had this yearning for wisdom. He asked for a discerning mind to distinguish good from evil. This choice of wisdom over wealth made him a legend.

It pleased the Lord that Solomon had made this request. God said to him, “Because you have asked for this instead of requesting long life, wealth, or victory over your enemies—asking for discernment so as to acquire good judgment— I will now do just what you said. Look, I hereby give you a wise and understanding mind. There has been no one like you before now, nor will there be anyone like you afterward. I now also give you what you didn’t ask for: wealth and fame. There won’t be a king like you as long as you live. And if you walk in my ways and obey my laws and commands, just as your father David did, then I will give you a very long life.” Solomon awoke and realized it was a dream. (1 Kings 3: 10-15, CEB)

God was very pleased with Solomon’s answer and he lavished Solomon with gifts. He did not get only wisdom but also wealth and fame. Solomon’s choice of wisdom over wealth set him apart. He became not only the wisest but also the richest and the most productive king of Israel.

Desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33, CEB)

What can we learn from this?

When we stay humble and reverent for God, there’s space for God to fully enter our lives. When God is first in our lives, God will also take care of our earthly needs.

When we know we are dependent on God, there’s room for God to work through us. When our hearts and minds are fixed on God, there will be blessings upon blessings in our lives.

It’s always God coming to us. God taking the initiative. It’s always God first. He has come so we could have life upon life. But the question is….how do we respond? What do we ask for?

Gracious God,
We want to choose you…not ourselves.
We want to choose wisdom…not wealth, fame, success or power.
We want to choose life…not death.
Cleanse our hearts from all unrighteousness.
Fill our hearts with your Spirit.
Teach us your wisdom and
empower us to practice it.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Is it difficult for you to choose wisdom over wealth or God over yourself?

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about what happens when we don’t keep God #1 in our lives…until then….be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you focus on God!
Do you want to win a copy of the Common English Bible softcover edition? Just leave a comment and mention that you’d like to win. The winners will be announced on Wednesdays! All these CEB giveaways are possible because I am participating in the Common English Bible Blog tour from Ash Wednesday all the way to Pentecost. This means that I will mostly be using the Common English Bible (CEB) on my blog posts. Let’s check out this fresh new Bible translation!
Image courtesy of Wikipedia. Linking up today with What’s on Your Heart Tuesdays & Soli Deo Gloria.

6 thoughts on “Choosing Wisdom Over Wealth

  1. Great post- good reminder on being humble.  This world offers many flashy material possessions but only God can satisfy the soul. 

  2. Good Word & confirmation after reading about God & Noah…..thanks for the blessing and letting God work thru you, on this day, to talk to me….

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