God Wants to Bless You

God Wants to Bless You

God wants to bless you

Do you need a reminder of God’s goodwill toward you (and mankind)? Keep on reading! The Bible is full of good news but today I want to share some verses from the third chapter of the Acts. It proclaims God wants to bless you. And it reminds us of what a gift faith really is. And how faith truly is all about grace. You see, even all the good we ever do is empowered by grace and God’s goodness. Just see what Peter said after healing a crippled man:

When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? (Acts 3:12, NIV,*)

We can’t do anything good without the power of God. It’s not about us, it’s about God and his amazing power called grace. But grace will never run out, it is new every morning. In some way, the more we use it, the more grace there will be. So let’s use it liberally, let’s gift our neighbors, friends, and family with an abundance of grace in every way we can. We will start a revolution in Jesus’ name this way.

“Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was healed—and you know how crippled he was before. Faith in Jesus’ name has healed him before your very eyes. (Acts 3:16, NLT,*)

God wants to bless you

The name of Jesus is amazingly powerful. When we believe in Jesus, we are cleansed from unrighteousness. It is Jesus that heals us. Nothing else can. So let’s share the good news with everyone or, at least, let’s share the goodness of Jesus and God’s goodwill towards everyone. Let’s not keep it secret, let’s not restrict who Jesus can touch with his grace. There’s plenty for everyone!

When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you, to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.” (Acts 2:26, NRSV,*)

Did you catch that? God wants to bless you. Not to harm or condemn you but to love and bless you. That’s why he sent Jesus to save you. Priceless, don’t you think? God’s goodwill and grace are limitless. He loves everyone and wants to welcome everyone into his presence.

As soon as we acknowledge our need for Jesus, we receive grace upon grace. God is just waiting for us letting him help us. God loves you and he wants to help you turn your life around. We don’t need to manage on our own, we will mess our own affairs anyway. Instead, let’s let Jesus bless us and guide us according to his loving plan for us. It is the ultimate best for us anyway. With Jesus, we can’t go wrong. He will make sure we will get home for good.

Gracious God,
You are truly amazing.
We thank you, praise you, and adore you.
Help us to remember you want to bless us with what’s best for us.
And help us to rejoice and revel in your love and goodwill.
In Jesus’ precious name,

Q4U: How do you feel about God wanting to bless you?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you revel in God’s goodwill and grace!

Photo by John Benitez on Unsplash.

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