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Tag: dying

Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

Lately, I’ve been reminded of how precious life is. People die in accidents, even young athletes suffer cardiac arrests, and so on. We don’t know when will be our time to go. How should we then live? And, even a more important question is: are you ready to die? Lord, what are human beings that you care for them,    mere mortals that you think of them?They are like a breath;    their days are like a fleeting shadow.(Psalm 144:3-4, NIV) When we have answers…

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Death, Dancing and Deliverance

Death, Dancing and Deliverance

I caught myself in the middle of night asking “God, why do we need to die?” after dreaming of some people I was dearly missing. Instantly, I was reminded of what happened in my childhood. How I had turned from a sunny to sullen child after my grandmother’s death. My mother had asked me what’s wrong and I had told her ‘I hate God’. She asked me why I thought so. And I had told her ‘because he makes people…

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The Best Deal Ever

The Best Deal Ever

Black Friday is the craziest shopping day in the U.S.A. But no matter how many hours people spend shopping, the best deal ever can’t be bought. Because it is free yet so precious. It was shed and given on Good Friday almost 2000 years ago. It is valid every day until the end of the world. By dying on the cross for our sake Jesus gave us the best deal ever: we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus….

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Watered Down Beliefs

Watered Down Beliefs

Are you taking short cuts in your faith? Do you choose what you like and what you don’t like in God’s message? Has something become more important than Jesus in your life? You were running superbly! Who cut in on you, deflecting you from the true course of obedience? This detour doesn’t come from the One who called you into the race in the first place. And please don’t toss this off as insignificant. It only takes a minute amount…

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Authentic Christian Living

Authentic Christian Living

The world thinks authenticity is about expressing yourself, being true to yourself. But the Bible tells us quite the opposite. David F. Wells states “Authenticity, theologically speaking, is not simply about being true to ourselves or about being satisfied with ourselves. It is about being true to who we are in Christ”. This means that if we want to live authentically, we need to be true to who we are in Christ. But we can’t find our identity in Christ…

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You Are Dust

You Are Dust

Even though the world around us is full of marks of death and dying we try to deny our own mortality. We like to live in La-La Land and pretend we are not aging and our life will go on forever. But the sooner we face the reality: we are dust and we will return to dust, the better we can embrace living fully. Like a parent feels compassion for their children—    that’s how the LORD feels compassion for those…

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